
Arkansas Injury Lawyer Blog


Why you should be concerned about taking the drug called Xarelto.

Taking Xarelto, a drug manufactured by Janssen Pharmaceutical, can be deadly. If you have taken the drug Xarelto and experienced internal bleeding, you should contact your doctor and talk to him or her about your symptoms.  Janssen Pharmaceutical  markets the drug called Xarelto.  Xarelto is an anticoagulant drug, also called…


Thirty fatalities are caused each day in the US, that are 100% avoidable.

These fatalities happen because a driver chooses to drive while intoxicated.   A senseless, avoidable act. Research tells us that an average person will metabolize one 12-ounce beer and one 5-ounce glass of wine  in one hour.   According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, each day an estimated…


Pit Bulls and Rottweilers are the most dangerous breeds of dogs according to studies

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,  approximately 4.5 million dog bite cases are reported each year.   DogsBite.Org reported in the past 11 years, 360 people in the United States were killed by dog bites.   Pit Bulls were responsible for more than half of that number, killing 232…


Johnson & Johnson is Paying Millions to Plaintiffs for Withholding Information which Ultimately Caused Death and Damages to Individuals

A Missouri jury awarded $72 million to a family who lost their loved one to ovarian cancer at age 62. The cancer was linked to her many years of using Johnson & Johnson’s talc-based Baby Powder and Shower to Shower for feminine hygiene care. Johnson & Johnson did not warn…


Healthy Day-Old Baby Boy was Mistakenly Operated on at the University Medical Center in Lebanon, Tennessee

I recently read a news account of a Tennessee couple that delivered a healthy baby boy at the University Medical Center in Lebanon, Tennessee.   While in the hospital, one day after his birth, a nurse encouraged the mother to put her newborn in the nursery so she could get some…

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