
Arkansas Injury Lawyer Blog


Accidents in Arkansas Causing Personal Injuries

Little Rock, Arkansas has been ranked in the top ten most accident prone cities. According to an article in a popular health magazine, Little Rock ranked fifth in the number of accidents that occur each year. This finding appears to be based upon statistics from the Bureau of Labor, Centers…


Jury Service in Arkansas Personal Injury Lawsuits

A recent article in the New York Times was disappointing. The story outlined problems with Courts getting enough people to show up for jury duty and the resistance to people wanting to serve on jury duty. This problem has a negative impact on people who suffer a personal injury or…


Unsafe Bus Companies – An Accident Waiting to Happen in Arkansas

Bus companies that the federal government has ordered to stop operating due to serious safety violations frequently change their name and continue to operate. A Government Accountability Office report which found that unsafe bus companies did not even bother to change their business addresses or phone numbers when they submitted…


Arkansas Fayetteville Shale Driller Fined for Spill

The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality has fined Chesapeake Energy Corp. after well drilling fluids were spilled. The ADEQ issued the order fining the natural gas driller $8,400 for the Sept. 8 incident. The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality says there was evidence a layer of drilling mud had been…


Arkansas Accident Victims Win in Supreme Court

The Arkansas Supreme Court declared a portion of the 2003 tort reform law unconstitutional. The Arkansas Court found that the law violates the Arkansas Constitution separation of powers clause. The Arkansas Justices decided questions over the provisions regarding the negligence or fault of non-parties when considering liability and regarding evidence…

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