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The Arkansas Legislature passed a bill in 2009 that would amend current law and requires law enforcers to conduct testing for the presence of drugs and alcohol in drivers who were involved in fatal or potentially fatal car accidents.

Act 423 requires that law enforcers subject a driver involved in an accident “in which death has occurred or is likely to occur” to a “chemical test of the blood, breath or urine”. The results of the test may be used for prosecution purposes and are to be conducted regardless of whether the surviving driver appears to be under the influence of intoxicating or illegal substances or not. A test will also need to be conducted regardless of whether the suspected erring driver is critically injured or not.

Unfortunately, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol leads to very serious car accidents. If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident or truck accident involving alcohol or drugs it is important to contact an experienced Arkansas personal injury lawyer to discuss your rights.

Motorcycle deaths in Arkansas increased 300 percent from 1997 to 2007. According to government statistics, there were 19 deadly motorcycle accidents in Arkansas in 1997, and the number increased to 76 in 2007. In fact, one in every nine car fatalities involves motorcycle riders.

The month of May has been designated motorcycle safety awareness month. In fact, the full U.S. House of Representatives voted unanimously to pass a resolution (H. Res. 269) supporting the goals of May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. The measure encourages all road users to be more aware of motorcycles, all riders to get trained and ride responsibly, and recognizes the contribution that motorcycles make to our nation’s transportation mix.

Motorcycle riders enjoy Arkansas highways and roads. It is imperative that riders and non-riders mutually respect the other’s right to the road. Usually, inattention is the reason why motorcycle accidents happen in Arkansas. If you or a family member has been injured in a Arkansas motorcycle accident, please consult an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer as soon as possible to make sure your rights are protected.

A recent study by the Benton, Arkansas police is being used to make the roads safer. According to an article published by the Benton Courier, police are using accident reports to focus on high traffic accident areas to determine the causes.

According to the study, areas of Military Road from Carpenter Street to Northshore Drive have the most number of accidents. The main contributing factors were failure to yield (12 of the collisions), following too closely (nine of the collisions), careless driving (six of the collisions), not stopping at a red light (four of the collisions), driving too fast (two of the collisions) and improper lane changes (two of the collisions). The other area with high car accident rates include parts of Alcoa road in Benton Arkansas.

This is a proactive approach to reducing car accidents in Arkansas. People should be aware of the areas that produce a high percentage of car accidents so that they can avoid suffering an injury or property damage from a car or truck accident. If you would like to speak with an Arkansas car accident lawyer, please contact me today.

A recent tragic event occurred in Benton Arkansas. An inspector for the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department died after he was hit by a crane at a construction site in central Arkansas. According to the news report, the inspector was walking a platform behind a crane when it turned and hit him. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is investigating the accident.

Unfortunately, industrial accidents are all too common in Arkansas. This incident reminds me of a case in which I represented two men who were hit by a crane and suffered serious personal injuries. We were able to prove that the crane operator and the company he worked for were negligent and did not use the necessary safety protocols to prevent this type of accident. We were able to recover a substantial verdict in this case.

When such dangerous equipment is being used, it is vital that operators make safety their number one priority. If an accident occurs, it is important that an investigation take place as soon as possible to discover what happened and why the personal injury accident occurred. If you or a family member has suffered a personal injury in an industrial accident, it is important that an experienced Arkansas accident lawyer be contacted as quickly as possible to help.

A recent news story reported that three people died in three separate accidents on Interstate 40 in Arkansas. Car and truck accidents on I-40 and I-30 in Arkansas are often tragic. The news report indicates that the car accidents happened in or near construction zones. Under Arkansas law, it is imperative that drivers slow down and follow all construction warnings to avoid accidents.

If you or a family member has suffered a personal injury in a car accident or truck accident, please contact an Arkansas accident lawyer to discuss your legal rights.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recorded over 37,000 fatal traffic accidents in 2008. According to government statistics, fatal accidents are the lowest they’ve been since 1961. The government also says seat belt use continues to rise in most states. In Arkansas, 70 percent of motorists wear their seat belt compared to just over 50 percent in 2001.

A recent Arkansas car accident occurred in Northeast Arkansas in which the injured divers and passenger were not wearing a seat belt. Although it is advisable to always wear a seat belt, a common question asked by many clients is whether the failure to wear a seat belt will limit their recovery in an Arkansas car accident claim. The answer is no. Arkansas law says that the fact that someone was not wearing a seat belt is not admissible at trial. Therefore, a negligent driver can not argue to a jury that the personal injury from the car accident was more serious because the injured person was not wearing a seat belt.

If you or a family member have been injured in an Arkansas car accident I urge you to contact an experienced car accident lawyer in Arkansas to discuss you legal rights.

Approximately one in six drivers across the United States may be driving uninsured by 2010. This unfortunate prediction was published in a recent study from Insurance Research Council. According to the report the percentage of uninsured motorists decreased nationally, from 14.9 percent in 2003 to 13.8 percent in 2007. However,the recent economic downturn is expected to trigger a rise in the uninsured motorist rate.

The extent of the uninsured motorists problem varied by state. In 2007, the five states with the highest uninsured driver estimates were New Mexico (29 percent), Mississippi (28 percent), Alabama (26 percent), Oklahoma (24 percent), and Florida (23 percent). The five states with the lowest uninsured driver estimates were Massachusetts (1 percent), Maine (4 percent), North Dakota (5 percent), New York (5 percent), and Vermont (6 percent).

Arkansas uninsured drivers totaled 15 percent. Although Arkansas was not the worst, the number of uninsured drivers shows how important it is to have adequate uninsured motorist coverage. Arkansas law mandates that insurance companies offer at least $25,000.00 in uninsured coverage. Any denial of uninsured or under-insured coverage MUST BE IN WRITING.

The driver of the 18-wheeler flipped his semi-truck because he fell asleep behind the wheel. This truck accident occurred on Interstate 540 in Northern Arkansas. A news story concerning the accident included a quote from a truck diver that is all too common. He said, “It’s easy to fall asleep. I’ve done it myself. I’m not going to lie. It’s all because we have to make a destination.”

The Federal Government has established regulations that are designed to remedy driver fatigue. However, statistics show that between 20 – 40 percent of 18-wheeler accidents are caused by fatigue. Truck drivers are often forced to skirt the rules by the trucking company’s desire for profit. It is important to hold them accountable if this occurs.

Truck Accidents in Arkansas happen too often and usually involve catastrophic injury or death. When an accident occurs, it is important to conduct a full and detailed investigation into the cause. To handle this investigation and possible litigation, it is important to contact an Arkansas truck accident lawyer as soon as possible.

A natural gas line break and explosion occurred at an Arkansas apartment complex. A construction company was dredging a pond at the complex when a backhoe hit a gas line. This incident caused an explosion and fire. Fortunately, there were no personal injuries reported due to the gas explosion.

Officials are investigating whether the company contacted Arkansas One Call to before work was started to determine the location of utility line. Arkansas law requires that a call be made before work begins.

Natural gas explosions often cause serious injury and even death. These explosions are often the result of negligence. If you or a family member have suffered from a natural gas explosion please contact an injury attorney as soon as possible. It is necessary to investigate these accidents quickly to determine the cause.

A bill was signed into law by Gov. Mike Beebe creating an Arkansas trauma system. The bill is meant to speed up how quickly trauma patients in Arkansas get the medical care they need. This is a huge victory for people who suffer a personal injury in a car accident, work accident, or other catastrophic injury. It is expected to save many lives and prevent people from becoming permanently disabled from an injury.

Hospitals will be designated as Level I-IV trauma centers. Level 1 trauma centers will provide the highest level of care and be able to care for the most seriously injured. The level IV centers will be designed to provide initial care and stabilize the injured patient. It is hoped this trauma system can be organized in the next year or two. As an Arkansas personal injury attorney who handles car accident, and other injury cases, I am hopeful that it will be in place soon.

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